March 26, 2025


WagonTown Chapel Game Dinner Speaker

I just wanted to send you a brief follow up from our Kill It & Grill It event a couple of weeks ago. We were very pleased with our event and you were a huge part of the success. I have had many people come to me since the dinner and compliment us on the evening and make it a point to mention how much they appreciated your talk. Most have clearly stated that you are the best speaker we’ve had thus far. The audience really “clicked” with you, your style and the content of your message. God did a great work through you that night and we were blessed to be a part of it.

Kevin Nance

God continues to bless our efforts and I can report that 168 individuals made decisions for Christ last Saturday night! It’s amazing to see how the Lord uses the outdoors to make an impact.

With much gratitude,

Pastor A.J. Dudek I Appleton Alliance Church

Tracy was very well received by those attending our wild game dinner. I could tell thru his presentation that he had great passion for and knowledge about hunting on a budget. But this was not the only highlight of the evening. I witnessed a man that though his has had great adversity in his life, he praises GOD for the challenges and the ability, thru God’s love and salvation, to continue to do what he loves to do.
If we all had this much passionate for the LORD just think what could be accomplished.

Dan Makley


Our outreach team wanted to again reiterate a huge thank you for joining us for our event. Everything aside last evening, the only thing I truly wanted was for a clear presentation of the gospel to be brought forth in the light of the outdoors we all enjoy so much. You did just that, and in a very clear and polished way, with the lack of pressure. A personal thank you for that. I personally know there were some in the audience last night that are unsaved and I pray God used your message to touch their hearts.



I just want to thank you for having the chance to hear your story. You have truly opened my eyes and gave me something to live for. I’m an active duty soldier and have went from the infantry to army recruiting which was a major change. Since the army I really didn’t have the chance or no where to hunt out in Colorado. But since getiing tbe chance to come back home I have got back into hunting. But the road has been rough missing the men I trained and served with and been having some serious problems with the things that I’ve done. But last night you helped me in away that words can’t not explain and I thank you for that.

Marshall Zavoral


Thanks for ministering at our Sportsmen’s Banquet. Overwhelmingly the comments made on the data cards had resounding kudo’s saying you were the best speaker yet. Great technical info and compelling testimony. The banquet created an opportunity for lives to intersect with Christ. Many decisions were made by folks to receive Christ & rededicate their lives.

Dale- Church of the Open Door


Thank you for an exceptional evening last night of sharing great hunting information for our men and for sharing you life story and testimony with our men in Poplar, WI of what Jesus has done in your life. Our men were very appreciative of all you did for us and for the humble way you shared the gospel and many of them at least (14) who filled out cards responded that they had accepted Jesus as their Savior for the first time and others (17) who had recommitted their life to Christ last evening. We don’t force people to fill out cards but God knows who’s hearts were also touched….. so Praise God and thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Pete Peters – Mission Covenant Church

Tracy’s presentation was flawless. You can tell when someone’s heart is in what they are doing and Tracy’s is definitely there. His main goal is leading others to Christ. He’s one of the best speakers I’ve been involved with since organizing our Venison Dinner the last 6 years. You’d be lucky to get him.

Greg Urban, Somerset Alliance Church, Somerset, PA.

“Tracy was amazing in how he connected with all walks of life interested in the outdoor adventure and his witness to Christ’s life changing story. Whether you are physically limited, obsessed with hunting, frugal and a Do it yourself hunter, new to it, he shows how to find the way to make a dream hunt affordable and possible no matter who you are. Highly recommended.”- Mark Miller

My name is Marc from Pennsylvania. Every year out church does what we call a Hunters Harvest where we try to reach unsaved and unchurched people in our community,we have had lots of people come and speak and I can say we have had Tracy 2 times and i can tell you he is one of the best you will find.Tracy does a very good seminar and his testimony and what he has gone thru will make any man,woman or child think about their relationship with God.If you are thinking about booking Tracy you can call me anytime.

Marc Jordan


Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and speak at the Men’s Barn Meeting! Your testimony was extremely powerful, and you connected well with all the men. Many decisions were made, and we thank God for that! I really appreciate your humble attitude and desire to take the difficult circumstances you have been presented in life and use them for God’s glory!

Keep pressing on!

Scott Porter
Trophies of Grace

Tracy was incredible. Everyone at our sportsman’s dinner loved him. He had an amazing balance of humor, insight into the hunt and
practical ways to save a lot on a Big Game Hunt, making your dream come true. He is real, personable and has one of the best life stories I have ever heard while sharing the gospel clearly and his journey with Christ. That alone is priceless and we will have him back soon.Mark Miller Pastor
Portage Community Chapel
Ravenna Ohio

Gods Great Outdoors is a great ministry. We contacted Tracy in the winter of 2004 to be a guest speaker at our Sportsman’s Banquet . Tracy Breen delivered an excellent message. He mixed his love for God,turkey hunting and the challenges he’s faced in life and presented a clear Gospel message that reached people that normally don’t come to Church .

Arnold L. Zehr , Clavary Baptist Church Burlington, Iowa 52601

” Tracy Breen is one of the risisng stars in the hunting industry . But more importantly he is a dynamic Christian who is not afraid to share his faith in Christ.”

Charlie Alsheimer
Northern Feild Editor
Deer and Deer Hunting Magazine


Just a big word of ” Thanks.” You did a great job of presenting your testimony and encouraging faith in our Lord Jesus Christ at our Game and Tame dinner.

Twenty people indicated that they either renewed their commitment to our Lord or prayed to reseive Jesus as their Savior. That is exciting! So, thank you very much .I hope our paths cross again sometime. By the way ,I just ordered a large supply of the ‘Outdoor Daily Breeds,’ for our folks to use as witnessing tools. I pray that our Lord will continue to use you in ways beyond your imagination to bring Him glory.

Pastor Gary Buchman
Tany Town Baptist Church

Tracy Breen spoke at our church’s Wild Game Dinner in january 2008. He intereacted graciously with our people ,and gave an interesting PowerPoint presentation that demenstrated his knowledge and love for both hunting and the Lord Jesus Christ. God has brought him thorugh many difficult circumstances, and he is a better person because of it all, Romans 8:28.

Pastor Bob Lanning

Rollins Christian Fellowship Church , Manton ,Michigan

Hi Tracy,

Just wanted to drop you a note and say thanks again for coming to Gladwin Cornerstone Baptist’s wild game dinner. We had a great time and you did a great job of educating, entertaining, and ministering to our guys and their friends and families. In the last week I have heard many positive comments concerning your program, and I’m confident that it touched some lives for Christ. The hunting on a budget tips were great and I’ve heard several guys make mention of them. Thanks again for being with us and God bless you in your future endeavors and ministries!

Sincerely, Joe Lathrop

Tracy Breen is one of the most down to earth people I have ever met. His passion for writing, hunting and for God are visibly seen. Tracy’s seminar was amazing and left everyone with wanting more. It is no wonder that he is one of outdoors most excellent writers. Just in speaking with some of those that attended the seminar, many thought is was the best seminar they had ever attended.I still have many attendees who asked “When will Tracy be back?” His powerful story of his physical battles and how God uses him today, are a reminder that God is an awesome God. Tracy has taken his physical battles and has turned them in to opportunities to praise God and tell others about Him. What an awesome testimony!

Pastor Tim Crans


I want to thank you once again for speaking about “Hunting Big Game on a budget. The talk was very helpful and inspiring. The biggest surprise was how men responded to your testimony and the altar call. Over 50 people(men and women) made a commitment to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or they rededicated their life to Him. Only God makes people respond like that through ordinary people like you and me. Sincerely John Everett (Director of Northern Lights Christian Sportsman Fellowship)

What an amazing Saturday night! I could sit there and listen all day to you. Your message was well said. Bill and I are not hunters but our ears were glued in and learned so much in the time you were speaking.

Today in church your message and story were still buzzing throughout the church. Thank you for sharing your… love of Christ to us all. God bless and please keep in touch.

Bill and Sandy Kriley

Dear Friends of Tracy Breen,

In April of this year we had an outstanding Hunters’ Supper with over 200 people in attendance. Many of those folks are unchurched and have no knowledge of Jesus Christ our Savior. Some were returnees from our last supper of two years ago. After a great meal, we all sat in the church sanctuary for a great presentation by Tracy Breen.

Tracy did a great job presenting a balanced program containing information of great interest to hunters and a closing presentation of the gospel and challenge for people to receive Jesus Christ as Savior. His theme for the evening was Affording Your Dream Hunt. Tracy took us across America with his pictures and dialogue, including useful facts, personal experiences, and local hunting laws that would affect our hunts. He was very well liked and did a professional job while representing his Lord in a tremendous way.

If you are thinking of having a hunters supper, I highly recommend that you consider utilizing Tracy, with his unique life and gifts, as your speaker. My wife and I enjoyed having him in our home. He is a fine Christian man.

May God bless you as you consider hosting a unique event to reach the lost for Christ!

In His service,

Pastor Valmore G. Vigue

“Tracy spoke at our 2011 wild game dinner and I am inspired by what God is doing through this man’s life. His knowledge of the big game hunt commands the attention of every outdoorsman; however, Tracy’s gift doesn’t stop at his knowledge of the outdoors. Tracy’s love for Christ, and gratitude for God’s gift of life flow through his speech and his character. God is using this man in an amazing way to reach the heart of the outdoorsman.”
Rod Bullis
Open Door Bible Church
Port Washington, WI

Thank you for speaking at our 2011 sportsmen’s dinner.  Your passion for the outdoors was obvious.  More importantly, your gospel message was the clearest we have heard in the 12 years we have been offering this event.  Dozens indicated they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior that night.  What a great “kingdom” event!

Randy Gipple
Calvary Church, Muscatine, Iowa

Hiring Tracy to speak at our Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry dinner banquet fundraiser was easily one of our best decisions we made this year while planning our banquet. Tracy’s love of the outdoors and  animals he pursues were very apparent. Even more apparent was Tracy’s love of the Lord and the stories he shared with us demonstrated that Tracy had truly desired to follow God as strongly as he desired to hunt. All of the feedback we have received since the banquet night has been tremendous regarding Tracy. I’m very glad he was willing and able to come speak at our event. I am certain that God will continue to use Tracy and his story to bring glory to Himself and his Son. Thank you Tracy for a great evening.– Jimmy Nees

Tracy, I enjoyed your presentation at the Rollins Church Wild Game dinner. I was also there in 2008 and enjoyed it then. I brought a friend this year,I’m not sure if he has ever heard the message of Jesus Christ. You did a great job of the Salvation message. I will leave his heart in the hands of God and the Holy Spirit to work on. I would like to order some shirts from you, as at the dinner I was not able to do so. If you can e-mail me to let me know how to purchase them from you that would be great. I am also disabled and am a avid whitetail hunter,you have been an inspiration to me also. In April I will receive the first of two new knees, this last years hunting was awesome. I also hunt from tree stands and it was a struggle to climb. I also have severe deterioration in my back and neck. I will hunt till I can’t do it anymore. Thanks for the encouragement you left me.In Christ.– Doug Scafe